Career Development Services
- Discuss career / major choices or changes
- Resume and cover letter assistance
- Job and internship search tips and resources
- Interview strategies and practice interviews
- Workshops, job fairs, networking events
The Value of Working with Career Development
Discover all the ways GMercyU’s Career Development Center helps students:
Student Satisfaction and Learning Report (PDF)
Empower and equip students to transition from college to career.
—Mission Statement
Meet Our Staff
Nick Schaefer
Director of Career Development
215-646-7300, ext. 21420
Education and Training
- Master of Arts in Counseling, Manhattan College
- Bachelor of Arts in Communications, Rider University
- Certified Master of Career Services, National Career Development Association
- Certificate, Foundations of Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania (Coursera)
- Certificate, Mindfulness and Well-Bring: Rice University, (Coursera)
- Certified Professional Career Coach and Résumé Writer
- LGBTQ+ Safe Zone Training
Career Philosophy: In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
Stay Up-to-Date with Career Development
Follow GMercyU's Career Development on X (formerly Twitter) for upcoming events, career tips, and department news.
Follow @gmercyucareersContact Us to Schedule an Appointment
Location: Keiss Library
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
(Contact our office for additional hours)
Phone: 215-646-7300, ext. 21230